Phoenix Solar Bankruptcy Liquidation Initiated – Bankrupt Company News (press release) (blog)

AdvertisementPhoenix Solar Incorporated, a subsidiary of Phoenix Solar AG, filed for Chapter 7 protection with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the District of Arizona, case number 17-15240. The Company is located in San Ramon, CA and led by Timothy P. Ryan, President. It is represented in bankruptcy proceedings by Thomas J. Salerno of Stinson Leonard…

Peters Coaches Owed More than $3 Million to Creditors – Triple M

Family owned and operated local business Peters Coaches went into liquidation owing more than $3.7 million to creditors the Australian Securities and Investments Commission has reported. The business closed up shop on December 11th, 2017.  It was then placed into liquidation at the direction of shareholders. It is believed that the business began to experience financial…

Unilife Bankruptcy Liquidation Plan Effective – Bankrupt Company News (press release) (blog)

AdvertisementUnilifes First Amended Combined Disclosure Statement and Chapter 11 Plan of Liquidation became effective, and the Company emerged from Chapter 11 protection. The U.S. Bankruptcy Court confirmed the Plan on December 13, 2017. Advertisement BankruptcyDatas detailed Plan Summary notes, The Bankruptcy filing and Plan of Liquidation attempt to implement a proce……

Gujarat NRE Coke faces liquidation process as creditors reject resolution plan – Financial Express

Gujarat NRE Coke faces liquidation process as creditors reject resolution plan Gujarat NRE Coke (GNCL) is likely to face liquidation process as the creditors of the company have rejected the resolution plan, submitted by an Ahmedabad-based asset reconstruction company (ARC) Rare Asset Reconstruction under the corporate insolvency resolution process.Following this to save the company from going…

Toowoomba company went into liquidation owing $3.7m – Toowoomba Chronicle

PETERS Coaches went into liquidation owing more than $3.7 million to creditors, according to the latest report lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. Peters Coaches, a family-owned and run company that was in business for nearly seven decades, closed its doors on Monday, December 11, and was placed into liquidation at the direction…