Contractors ‘turn blind eye to subbies ripping off workers’ | Northern … – Northern Star

UPDATE, 8.30am: THE CFMEU is calling for a government inquiry into Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) tendering procedures after the collapse of the second sub-contractor on the Pacific Highway upgrade. Initial investigations by the CFMEU into the most recent collapse this week suggest a sub-contractor may have fraudulently provided statutory declarations claiming to have paid…

Notice For Unaudited Quarterly Financial Results Ending June 30, 2017 Regulation 29 (1) (A) Of SEBI (Listing … – Hindu Business Line

September 4, 2017:   As already informed to you, Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) has commenced in respect of Ennore Coke Limited (the Company) under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) by an order of the National Company Law Tribunal with effect from 20th June 2017. As per Section 17 of the IBC, upon appointment…