Plans for temporary moratorium for corporate insolvency regime – CCH Daily inc Accountancy Live (subscription) (blog)

The consultation ran between May and July and looked at four broad areas. These were: introducing a moratorium for distressed businesses to benefit from protection against legal action while considering their options for rescue; widening the definition of essential supplies; developing a new restructuring plan would enable (for the first time in the UK) a…

The Complete Guide to Understanding Equity Compensation at Tech Companies – Fortune

Ive hired hundreds of tech employees, and recently started Comparably to make workplace compensation and culture more transparent. Most private tech companies offer equity as part of team members compensation package, but employees rarely understand the value and most important aspects of this arrangement. Stock compensation is complex, and there are many hidden rules. This…

Electrical company Russell-Smith collapses into voluntary administration two years after being rescued from receivership –

Tasmanian electrical and communications company Russell-Smith has ceased trading, after being placed in the hands of external managers at the end of last year. Stewart Free and Bradd Morrelli from Jirsch Sutherland were appointed as voluntary administrators to Russell-Smith Pty Ltd on September 22. It comes only two years after the companys former parent company,…

Illegal phoenix activity is costing us billions – here’s how it could be stemmed – The Conversation AU

A proposal designed to stop illegal phoenix activity being actively considered in New Zealand could be similarly adopted in Australia, potentially saving billions of dollars. Illegal phoenix activity which involves directors intentionally liquidating companies after shifting their assets to new (phoenix) companies to defraud taxation authorities, trade creditors and employees is widespread in Australia. A…