Business as usual as one arm of The Grounds of Alexandria falls into voluntary administration –

A company connected to popular weekend destination The Grounds of Alexandria has been placed in voluntary administration, but it is business as usual for the famous brunch locale. According to a notice published by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, external administrators were appointed to The Grounds of Alexandria Pty Limited last week. Ozem Kassem…

Regulated apportionment arrangements ‘no magic bullet’ for struggling schemes, says expert –

Alastair Meeks of Pinsent Masons, the law firm behind, was commenting as the Pensions Regulator revealed that it had only approved 24 such arrangements, almost eight years after the mechanism was set out in law. An RAA can be used to transfer an employer’s pension liabilities to the Pension Protection Fund (PPF), but only…

Nigella’s production company Pabulum Productions in ‘voluntary … – Metro

Nigella Lawsonis closing her TV production company (Picture: BBC) While none would dispute Nigella Lawsons expertise in the kitchen, it seems her television production company has been overdone. The buxom 56-year-old TV chef has placed her production company, Pabulum Productions, into voluntary liquidation. The announcement follows news that Nigellas TV show The Taste was axed…

Individual companies showing signs of resilience: Adrian Lim, Aberdeen Asset Management – Economic Times

India foreign direct investment (FDI) remains healthy while competitive federalism, the devolution of economic resource allocation and decision-making to the states is producing results said Adrian Lim, senior investment manager at Aberdeen Asset Management. In an interview to ET he said though corporate earnings growth has been stalling there have been signs of resilience among…