Tamarind Taranaki collapse leads to offshore oil field supply company being put into liquidation – Stuff.co.nz

Supplied/Stuff The FPSO Umuroa, right, moored near the Tui Oil Field offshore of Taranaki. Taranakis oil and gas industry has been delivered another blow with the company servicing the Tui Oil Field going into liquidation, a flow on from Tamarind Taranaki’s collapse. Norwegian-based BW Offshore have put BWU, a wholly owned subsidiary which operates the…

Ticket Rocket entities to be liquidated over unpaid debts – Australasian Leisure Management

New Zealand Super Rugby franchises the Crusaders and the Hurricanes have won their bid to have the company behind Ticket Rocket liquidated. As reported by the Stuff website, Fortress Information Systems Ltd which traded as Ticket Rocket, was not represented in the High Court of Dunedin this morning. Lawyers acting on behalf of the Hurricanes…

Videocon Insolvency: Dhoot family offers to pay Rs 30,000 crore to settle outstanding debt – Economic Times

NEW DELHI: The Dhoot family has offered to pay Rs 30,000 crore to lenders to settle their outstanding loans and pull out 13 Videocon group companies from the insolvency proceedings. A proposal for paying the amount has been forwarded to the Committee of Creditors (CoC) of the Videocon Industries, Venugopal Dhoot told . Venugopal Dhoot…