STA Travel goes into administration with travellers still trying to get refunds – ABC News

Thousands of travellers who booked holidays before the coronavirus pandemic are now in limbo after student travel agency STA went into administration. Key points: All 27 STA outlets are “closed for the foreseeable future” Customers are being advised to contact airlines, hotel companies and banks about refunds The business employs 180 full-time employees Deloitte joint…

Harvest Homes liquidator to quiz fraudster Oliver Roths in court over corporate collapse that cost creditors millions – Newcastle Herald

newsletters, editors-pick-list, Oliver Roths, Oliver Banovec, Oliver Roths Oliver Banovec, Harvest Homes, Oliver Roth fraud, Oliver Banovec fraud, Oliver Roths harvest homes, Harvest homes liquidation A JAILED fraudster who swindled an investor out of $500,000 will face a public examination in the Federal Court to explain his involvement in the failed Newcastle building company Harvest…

Bondholders’ rival bid for Virgin crash lands –

“While we maintain that our recapitalisation plan represents a superior outcome for Virgin Australia and its stakeholders, we acknowledge the Federal Court’s decision. We are undoubtedly disappointed,” the spokesman said. “Australia deserves a strong second airline, and we genuinely believe our recapitalisation proposal is the best long-term option for Virgin Australia and its stakeholders. It…

Muswellbrook aged care home and retirement village goes into liquidation but just three residents to find new accommodation – The Weekly SOURCE

Another aged care and village operator has gone bust but there are questions over how many residents will need to be re-homed as a result. Receivers KordaMentha and managers SV Partners were appointed at the start of June to oversee the 36-bed Mount Providence Village aged care home in Muswellbrook in NSWs Upper Hunter region…

Residents evicted from Mt Providence aged care facility after company’s liquidation – Muswellbrook Chronicle

Residents at Mount Providence Village aged care facility have been told to leave following the organisation’s announcement it has gone into liquidation. The news comes just 30 months after the venture began, with COVID-19 and a shortage of public support being suggested for the facility’s lack of success. The company which owns Mt Providence, New…

Residents evicted from Mt Providence aged care facility after company’s liquidation – Muswellbrook Chronicle

Residents at Mount Providence Village aged care facility have been told to leave following the organisation’s announcement it has gone into liquidation. The news comes just 30 months after the venture began, with COVID-19 and a shortage of public support being suggested for the facility’s lack of success. The company which owns Mt Providence, New…

Residents evicted from Mt Providence aged care facility after company’s liquidation – Muswellbrook Chronicle

Residents at Mount Providence Village aged care facility have been told to leave following the organisation’s announcement it has gone into liquidation. The news comes just 30 months after the venture began, with COVID-19 and a shortage of public support being suggested for the facility’s lack of success. The company which owns Mt Providence, New…