Muswellbrook company refutes CFMEU claims that it owes hundreds of thousands of dollars in employee benefits – Muswellbrook Chronicle

A MUSWELLBROOK company refutes union claims that it owes hundreds of thousands of dollars in employee privileges. The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) recently stated it was currently working to claw back more than $200,000 in entitlements for ex-staff at BIGLIFT Cranes and Heavy Haulage. The CFMEU alleges the business is more than…

Well established local company Shearer Contracting in voluntary administration – The Singleton Argus

Long established family company, Shearer Contracting Pty Ltd, has been placed in voluntary administration which may see up to 50 local jobs lost. Many of these are long-term employees that have worked with the company for three decades. Rapsey Griffiths Insolvency and Advisory have been appointed administrators of the company. Partner, Chad Rapsey, says they have commenced an…

Muswellbrook company refutes CFMEU claims that it owes hundreds of thousands of dollars in employee benefits – Muswellbrook Chronicle

A MUSWELLBROOK company refutes union claims that it owes hundreds of thousands of dollars in employee privileges. The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) recently stated it was currently working to claw back more than $200,000 in entitlements for ex-staff at BIGLIFT Cranes and Heavy Haulage. The CFMEU alleges the business is more than…

60 jobs go as Hexham firm hits the wall | Newcastle Herald – Newcastle Herald

60 jobs go as Hexham firm hits the wall HEXHAM company Total Fabrication Services has gone into liquidation, leaving more than 60 employees owed more than $1.5 million in entitlements. Although the employees should receive some entitlements through the federal governments Fair Entitlements Guarantee scheme, the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union says the company was three months behind with…

Insolvency partner seizes opportunity at Piper Alderman – Business News Australia

Joanne Hardwick (pictured) has joined Piper Alderman’s insolvency and reconstruction team, a move which she says is an exciting opportunity for herself and the future of the firm. Hardwick has worked alongside industry leaders and has both Australian and international experience in commercial litigation, insolvency and reconstruction law. The opportunity to join…

METAL FABRICATOR FACES LIQUIDATION | Australia’s leading … – Industry Update

Manufacturing and metal fabrication specialist Total Fabrication Services has gone into liquidation, casting doubt on the future of its 60+ employees.  As the company enters liquidation, owings total more than $1.5 million, with three months without superannuation payments totalling almost $100,000. Despite assurances that employees are guaranteed some level of compensation under the federal Fair Entitlements…

Hexham fabricating firm in liquidation, costing more than 60 jobs – Newcastle Herald

60 jobs go as Hexham firm hits the wall HEXHAM company Total Fabrication Services has gone into liquidation, leaving more than 60 employees owed more than $1.5 million in entitlements. Although the employees should receive some entitlements through the federal governments Fair Entitlements Guarantee scheme, the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union says the company was three months behind with…

Treat home buyers as ‘financial creditors’, suggests Insolvency Law Committee – Business Line

Home buyers should be treated as financial creditors for the Insolvency process, the MCA-appointed Insolvency Law Committee (ILC) has suggested. They should be treated as financial creditors owing to the unique nature of financing in real estate projects and the treatment of home buyers by Supreme Court in ongoing cases, said the ILC report made…