Clive Palmer has found himself in more hot water. Photo: Supplied
The festival of outrage and indignation engulfing Clive Palmer and the collapse of Queensland Nickel constitutes hypocrisy of the first order.
Not to belittle the plight of Clive’s workers’ and creditors, nor to make light of his reckless extravagance, but claims of a disgraceful “shadow directorship” are a bit rich.
Virtually every multinational company operating in Australia, aided and abetted by the big four global audit firms, is run by shadow directors.
A shadow director is somebody who is not literally a director of the relevant entity b…
Read the full article at: http://www.smh.com.au/business/the-economy/clive-palmers-antics-are-the-very-same-ones-multinationals-use-20160413-go5xho.html