A file photo of the Sebi headquarters in Mumbai. Eleven of the 12 large NPA accounts currently under insolvency proceedings, including Bhushan Steel Ltd, Alok Industries Ltd, Amtek Auto Ltd, Lanco Infratech Ltd, Electrosteel Steels Ltd and Era Infra Engineering, are listed companies. Photo: Abhijit Bhatlekar/Mint
Mumbai: A committee set up to ease listing, compliance and disclosure regulations for companies in the process of insolvency resolution has submitted its recommendations to market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), two people with direct knowledge of the matter said.
The committee comprising members from Sebi and the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) was formed considering that 11 of the 12 larg…
Read the full article at: http://www.livemint.com/Money/nJusgqejuf7iI5Qe5djwYL/Compliance-norms-may-be-eased-for-companies-facing-insolvenc.html