A Kiwi businessman was still an undischarged bankrupt when he became a director of a company that was later found to have been involved in a scamming operation across the Tasman.

Photo: Screengrab / ABC
New Zealander Eddie Kang, who was director and co-director of more than 30 now-removed businesses in the country, was declared bankrupt in 2009.
However, months before he was discharged from his bankruptcy, in November 2012, he was appointed as a director of two Australian companies – Singapore Oil in March 2012 and CWK M & D Pty Ltd in 2011.
Australian Securities & Investments Commission states a bankruptcy in New Zealand means a person would automatically be disqualified from managing companies in Australia.
“It is a serious …
Read the full article at: https://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/384084/convicted-nzer-was-director-of-company-while-bankrupt