The Coolamon community has rallied behind its embattled sport and recreation club, pitching in $16,000 to keep it afloat.
On Tuesday The Daily Advertiser revealed the club was on the edge of falling into voluntary administration, after board members were told more than $360,000 was owed to creditors and police were investigating missing funds from the clubs Keno facilities.
Club president Trevor Jose said one of the biggest worries was a $63,000 bill from the Australian Tax Office, which could close the club down at any time.
At a community meeting, Mr Jose explained there were three paths ahead of the club: do nothing, go into voluntary administration, or get the community to pitch in.
Voluntary administration would ultimately mean an extra…
Read the full article at: http://www.dailyadvertiser.com.au/story/4282364/community-pitches-in-to-bail-out-club/?cs=148