It’s not uncommon for people to keep financial secrets from their partners. Nearly 1 in 4 Americans in relationships admit to keeping a money-related secret from their significant other, according to a 2023 Bankrate survey.
A $520,000 secret is a pretty big one, though.
That’s how much debt Aldo was hiding from his wife Cassandra, the couple recently told self-made millionaire Ramit Sethi on his “I Will Teach You to be Rich” podcast. The couple’s last names were not used.
Aldo and Cassandra earn a healthy joint income of $165,000 a year, plus Aldo said he’ll earn an additional $127,000 in commission this year. But the couple made a number of financial decisions that landed them in debt.
First, they have a $339,000 mortgage, as well…
Read the full article at: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/12/20/ramit-sethis-advice-to-a-couple-with-520000-dollars-in-debt.html