- Businessman sues former presidential candidate for breaking promise
- Judge makes the decision after finding that the politician was unable to pay a Sh700 million debt
Former Lugari MP Cyrus Jirongo was has been declared bankrupt after a judge found he was unable to pay a debt running into hundreds of millions of shillings.
Commercial Court judge Olga Sewe ruled in favour of businessman Sammy Kogo, Mr Jirongos creditor, and ordered that the latters estate should be placed under receivership.
Firm loses bid to overturn Sh442m KRA tax demand
Having heard the petitioner and having read the creditors petition, and having seen the exhibits, the court hereby orders that Shakhalang…
Read the full article at: https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001256860/court-declares-former-presidential-candidate-cyrus-jirongo-bankrupt