Companies need to look at providing resilience in what has been described as an oncoming “gloomy” 2016. Photo: Tomohiro Ohsumi
A continuing weak outlook has inspired Credit Suisse to speculate on 16 possible company restructures that could provide resilience in what has been described as an oncoming “gloomy” 2016.
“Aussie companies don’t control what’s happening in China,” said Hasan Tevfik, a Credit Suisse research analyst who worked on the report.
“To a large extent they don’t really control what’s happening here. But within the things they can control they’re doing something about their circumsta…
Read the full article at: http://www.smh.com.au/business/markets/currencies/credit-suisse-ideas-for-company-restructuring-in-2016-20160114-gm5rag.html