DOORS SHUT: The former premises of Spectrum Window Fashions on Havannah Street.
A BUSINESS owned by former Bathurst mayor Gary Rush has gone into voluntary liquidation owing money to the Australian Tax Office and some suppliers.
Chris Chamberlain of Chamberlains SBR has been appointed liquidator for Spectrum Window Fashions Pty Ltd after a general meeting of the company members on June 8 resolved to have the business wound up.
Mr Chamberlain said while his investigation was in its early stages, he had not found any evidence so far that there was any money owing to Spectrum customers or employees.
Theres one dispute in relation to product thats been produced and whether its a satisfactory quality but outside of that I dont know of any custom…
Read the full article at: http://www.westernadvocate.com.au/story/4730250/creditors-to-meet-in-dubbo-after-spectrum-window-fashions-goes-into-liquidation/