Call: 800-971-4060 or visit debtredemption.com to learn about debt relief services in Texas for 40% less than most out-of-state debt relief services.
Inflation and rising interest rates have caused many Texans to struggle with overwhelming credit card debt and personal loans. Forbes reports the average credit card interest rate at a staggering 28.05%. While many Texans are burning through their savings to keep current on their credit card payments with hopes of lower interest rates in the future, some have fallen behind. Collection lawsuits are on the rise, so if you are a few months or more behind on your payments, dont be surprised if you receive a summons to court. Whether you are in a situation where you keeping up with payments bu…
Read the full article at: https://www.kxan.com/studio-512/debt-relief-in-houston-to-austin-and-san-antonio-with-debt-redemption-texas-debt-relief/