In 926, when Huangfu Hui (), a soldier during the Five Dynasties period (907 960), decided to try his hand at the gambling table in a military camp, he didnt expect to change history.
Without much luck, Huangfu quickly lost all his money and owed a fair amount of debt. Feeling hopeless, he took a drastic step: He kidnapped his general and forced him to start a rebellion against the emperor. Emperor Li Cunxu () sent his adoptive brother Li Siyuan () to suppress the rebellion, but Li Siyuan instead joined the rebel forces and claimed the throne. After the rebel army attacked the capital and killed the emperor, Huangfu became a provincial official.
Gambling has a history of over 3,000 years in China. Though as early as 2,000 years ago, Men…
Read the full article at: https://www.theworldofchinese.com/2023/05/dice-dominoes-and-deadly-games-of-chance-gambling-in-ancient-china/