Many of us are all too familiar with the student loans, but thanks to a new program unveiled by Fidelity Investments, repayment aid from your employer may soon be an option.
The problem? It probably wont do much to address the deep racial disparities of the student debt crisis.
According to BuzzFeed News, Fidelity announced Thursday that a new plan will let companies make regular payments directly to workers student loan balances. Think 401(k) contributions, but with your school debt.
Fidelity Vice President Kenneth Ericson told BuzzFeed that the companys seen big demand for this kind of benefit, and that offering it could help companies recruit new employees and retain existing ones.
Its the recruitment an…
Read the full article at: http://www.theroot.com/employers-may-soon-help-with-student-loan-debt-but-will-1815888022