By Guillermo Parra-BernalSAO PAULO, Feb 13 (Reuters) - A Brazilian land developer
controlled by Carlyle Group LP <CG.O> investment vehicles is
buckling under mounting client and creditor lawsuits and an
unsustainable debt load, highlighting legal risks facing global
buyout giants in Latin America's No. 1 economy.
The survival of Urbplan Desenvolvimento Urbano SA
increasingly depends on creditors' willingness to restructure
450 million reais ($145 million) of asset-backed securities, and
the unlikely reversal of hundreds of rulings allowing clients to
cancel land purchases.
Urbplan, whic...Read the full article at: http://www.nasdaq.com/article/exclusivecarlyles-brazil-developer-battles-mounting-client-creditor-lawsuits-20170213-00508