Ranjit Shinde, ET Bureau Dec 17, 2015, 03.00AM IST

MUMBAI: A focus on improving operating efficiency and reduction in investments funded through debt over the past few quarters are helping Corporate India to clean up balance sheets amid the slow economic growth.
An analysis by the ET Intelligence Group shows the reserves and surplus of BSE 500 companies stood at a record Rs 26.4 lakh crore at the end of September, marginally higher than the aggregate debt of Rs 20.9 lakh crore. The sample of 418 companies excludes banks and finance companies and those companies that did not disclose data on reserves and borrowings at the end of September.
The sample’s reserves grew by 5.4% from Rs 25.1 lakh crore as on March 31….
Read the full article at: http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2015-12-17/news/69119316_1_lakh-crore-aggregate-debt-reserves-and-surplus