34-year-old Sittichok Muangma was arrested on Tuesday for the armed robbery heist on Monday morning outside the Bangkok Bank branch in Chiang Saen when he snatched 1.05 million from an agricultural co-op employee. Mr Sittichok told police he committed the crime to pay gambling debts.
Police on Tuesday confirmed that they had arrested the main suspect in the bank heist outside a Bangkok Bank branch in the Chiang Saen district of Chiang Rai in which two men on a motorbike drove off with 1.05 million in cash. On Wednesday, police revealed that only 200,000 has been recovered and that the key suspect had already spent 800,000 to pay back his gambling debts.

Read the full article at: https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2020/05/21/gambling-debt-motive-armed-robbery-on-monday-chiang-rai-main-suspect-charged/