Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) director general Yuriy Ganus has issued a public declaration that he will not kill himself as a row between the anti-doing body and the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) intensifies.
It stems from an ROC-commissioned audit of RUSADA, carried out in March and April, which examined the operational effectiveness of the organisation, its internal control system and finances.
Having since studied the report, Ganus says he and RUSADA have “discredited” it.
The ROC claimed the audit “revealed a number of significant irregularities in the financial and economic activities” of RUSADA.
After an initial RUSADA statement expressed “deep disappointment”, Ganus has further criticised the audit on Twitter.
“We have…
Read the full article at: https://www.insidethegames.biz/articles/1096449/ganus-issues-stark-suicide-warning