The Nullagine site in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Image: Novo Resources
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GR Engineering Services has secured a contract with Millennium Minerals which will lead to the restart of the processing plant at the Nullagine gold project in Western Australia next year.
The $8.3 million contract includes the refurbishment and upgrade of Nullagines gold plant, including the existing carbon-in-leach tanks, the gravity circuit and associated facilities.
The Nullagine mine and processing plant were shut down in December last year, a month after Millennium entered into voluntary administration.
The company was acquired by Novo Resources this year for an estimated consideration of $US44 million ($61 million) as the lat…
Read the full article at: https://www.australianmining.com.au/news/gr-engineering-to-help-awaken-nullagine-via-8-3m-contract/