(Adds central bank governor, Friday talks in Italy)
By Renee Maltezou and Angeliki Koutantou
ATHENS, May 11 (Reuters) - The conclusion of Greece's second
bailout review will help the country outperform a downwardly
revised EU forecast for 2.1 percent growth this year, a
government spokesman said on Thursday.
After six months of wrangling, Greece reached a deal with
its foreign lenders last week on reforms and spending cuts it
needs to implement in the coming years, paving the way for the
conclusion of a key bailout review.
But the delays have already hurt economic activity in the
crisis-hi...Read the full article at: http://www.nasdaq.com/article/greece-says-wrapping-up-bailout-review-will-help-it-beat-growth-forecasts-20170511-01330