The Commission has published its fourth half-yearly report on the debt management operations it conducts to finance the EUs borrowing and lending programmes, covering the period JanuaryJune 2023.
These were the first six months in which the Commission used the diversified funding strategy – that was developed in 2021 to finance NextGenerationEU to also fund other programmes, hence creating a unified funding approach for all the EUs borrowing and lending programmes.
The report shows that during the first six months of 2023, the unified funding approach enabled the Commission to raise close to EUR 80 billion for NextGenerationEU and MFA+ for Ukraine at rates commensurate to its standing in the market. In this period market volatility rema…
Read the full article at: https://commission.europa.eu/news/half-yearly-report-h1-2023-debt-management-operations-and-overarching-debt-management-strategy-2023-08-02_en