Rungroj Boonprakob, 48, a municipal health official, is taken for a re-enactment of the robbery of a Krungthai Bank branch in Bang Pakong district on Saturday following his arrest on Friday. (Photo by Sonthanaporn Inchan)
CHACHOENGSAO: Police say the director of a municipal health office in Bang Pakong district has admitted robbing a Krungthai Bank branch of 600,000 baht to help a friend pay off a debt.
The arrest of Rungroj Boonprakob, 48, director of the public health and environment office in tambon Bang Samak, shocked local residents who wondered why someone with 27 years of government service would turn to crime.
Mr Rungroj was arrested on Friday, two days after the KTB branch at Tesco Lotus…
Read the full article at: https://www.bangkokpost.com/news/general/1406898/health-director-held-for-bank-robbery