Last week there was good news for struggling students and recent graduates saddled with sizeable student debts.
The prime minister, Anthony Albanese, in an outing on FM Radio, acknowledged there was a range of areas where we need to do much better with the younger generation and Hecs [the Higher Education Contribution Scheme] is one of them.
After a horror year of 7.1% indexation of student debts and with the parliamentary library estimating that this year will see another 4.2% 4.8% growth in the amount outstanding, help is on its way.
The Universities Accord final report, released in February, recommended the commonwealth ensure that loans didnt outpace wage growth by setting the indexation rate to whatever was lower out of the consumer …
Read the full article at: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/apr/22/labor-hecs-fee-help-indexation-universities-accord-final-report