EY-Parthenon teams were appointed as insolvency administrators in March 2021. From the start, a unique aspect to this engagement was the media attention. Given the size and impact of this bankruptcy, this was a hurdle both Abengoa and EY-Parthenon had to overcome and engage with regularly throughout the process.
Loan requests
Initially, the EY-Parthenon teams were asked to advise the bankruptcy of the parent company, with the ambition to find an alternative way ahead for the subsidiaries of Abengoa, where the majority of employees and debt were housed.
With support from EY teams, the subsidiaries requested help from the state-owned company SEPI, who are often used as a tool to implement government policy.
The requested support consisted …
Read the full article at: https://www.ey.com/en_ph/restructuring-turnaround/how-a-business-insolvency-secured-a-good-fate-for-the-spanish-economy