The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) shall float two discussion papers one on making changes in the Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP), and the other on corporate liquidation very soon, a government official told FE
These discussion papers are intended to make changes in the regulations to maximise the value of recoveries and reduce the time taken for resolutions, the official said.
Sudhir Chandi, partner, Resurgent Resolution Professional LLP said that IBBI as the regulatory agency under the IBC code needs to have a relook at the entire mechanism and the proposed discussion papers on CIRP and (corporate) liquidation processes are a step in the right direction to elicit feedback and views of all the stakeho…
Read the full article at: https://www.financialexpress.com/business/industry-ibbi-to-float-discussion-papers-on-cirp-corporate-liquidation-soon-3279517/