The Supreme Court has held that the imposition of moratorium under Section 14 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) has no effect on the execution of a decree against the Directors or Officers of the Company (Corporate Debtor), which is undergoing Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) under IBC.
When the Company was admitted into CIRP, the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) declined to permit execution of a decree against the Company and also its Directors/Officers. The Bench held that the protection of moratorium under Section 14 of IBC is only available to the Company and not to its Directors or Officers, thus the execution of decree can be done against them even during moratorium.
The Bench co…
Read the full article at: https://www.livelaw.in/supreme-court/supreme-court-clarifies-moratorium-section-14-ibc-decree-execution-companies-directors-cirp-247918