Legal Aid NSW’s Patricia Simpson (left) and Heidi Campbell where providing advice at Glen Innes court house last month, and now the ‘Fines Fare’ is coming to Tenterfield.
Do you fear getting another demand notice in the mail or online for an unpaid bill? Are you a disqualified driver who cant get to work to make money to pay the fines that led to the disqualification in the first place?
Legal Aid NSW is coming to Tenterfield on Thursday, April 26 offering help to get people out of the situations they find themselves in, and its free.
Heidi Campbell is one of the lawyers who will be there on the day and said she can appreciate the dread of receiving a notice for an overdue payment and the temptation to just stick it in the bottom drawer …
Read the full article at: http://www.tenterfieldstar.com.au/story/5351166/if-you-dread-getting-windowed-envelopes-in-the-mail-help-is-here/