On Wednesday, October 5, Peter Moriarty was looking forward to two days by the pool in Manila, having just finished a team-training program in the Philippines.
That was before a ticket came into his companys help desk, notifying him one of his largest competitors had just gone into liquidation.
Moriarty sprung into action, wiping his pool-lounging plans and picking up the phone.
I jumped online and checked the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) website, and realised oh crap, this has actually happened, Moriarty told SmartCompany.
Moriarty runs itGenius, an SME-focused reseller for Googles G Suite cloud-based productivity suite for businesses, which was on track to be turning over between $1-…
Read the full article at: http://www.startupsmart.com.au/advice/growth/itgenius-founder-peter-moriarty-shares-three-key-lessons-from-acquiring-his-biggest-competitor/