THIS is a column about two articles, both written by me last week.
The first was about unit owners in a building facing large special levies because of defects, where the builder/developers companies were voluntarily wound up. The second was union fines after industrial action.
The two articles are unrelated but a few things struck me as I worked on them, which is why Im writing about it.
The second article first. A judge fined the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union $51,000, and CFMEU organiser Pomare Auimatagi $7500, after workers left a Newcastle building site for three days in January, 2014. The judge was scathing of the unions woeful regard for lawful conduct.
At issue was construction company John Hollands Two longs safety p…
Read the full article at: http://www.theherald.com.au/story/5284599/two-ways-to-look-at-accountability-in-the-building-industry/