Najib, who led Malaysia from 2009 to 2018, co-founded 1MDB to attract foreign capital and help advance the Malaysian economy. Instead, up to $US4.5 billion was siphoned off. In 2018, the fund was declared insolvent and unable to pay its debts. That same year, Najib was bounced out of office in a historic election defeat.
After the verdict in the SRC International trial was read out on Tuesday, Najib’s lawyer Shafee Abdullah continued to argue his client’s innocence. “He says that if he was at fault, he was only at fault in trusting people that ought to run the company both 1MDB and SRC,” he said.

Leonardo Dicaprio and Jho Low at the 2013 premier of The Wolf of Wall Street.
“In certain instances, one can say he over-trusted. That…
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