WELFARE: Launceston Community Legal Centre welfare officer Emma Smith says her debt case load has doubled following the Centrelink debt fiasco. Picture: Chris Clarke
The debt caseload at the Launceston Community Legal Centre has skyrocketed for its welfare officer due to the Centrelink fiasco.
Nationally, people are receiving letters from Centrelink informing them they have outstanding debts to the government body that need to be immediately repaid.
In some instances, pensioners are being told they owe thousands of dollars.
The federal government wants to recover $4 billion nationally and is sending out thousands of letters a month from people it believes owe money.
Errors are occurring, however, due to a system malfunction.
In Northern Tasman…
Read the full article at: http://www.examiner.com.au/story/4495950/debt-caseload-strain/