Legal Aid’s Julie Maron, Tahlena Galvin-Moule and Nicole Dwyer.
Riverina residents worried about Centrelink debt notices can now have legal queries fast-tracked.
Legal Aid has joined forces with community legal centres to give timely and independent legal advice for these people, including those who have received a so-called robo-debt or automated debt notice.
Anyone calling LawAccess in relation to a Centrelink debt will be contacted by Legal Aid or a community legal centre within 48 hours so that they can receive advice.
Senior Legal Aid solicitor Julie Maron said they could help anyone affected by Centrelink debts.
Anecdotally we regularly see people in Wagga who have Centrelink debt issues, whether its robo-debt or in other circumstances…
Read the full article at: http://www.dailyadvertiser.com.au/story/4575234/free-help-with-centrelink-robo-debt-poll/