Ten years ago the population centre of Victoria was a single-storey house in Sutherland Street, Hadfield.
Today it’s a grey factory on Bakers Road in Coburg North, some 2?? kilometres south, which looks a bit like the meth lab in Breaking Bad.

Population centre of Victoria: 113-115 Bakers Road, Coburg North. Photo: Jason South
What that says about how we’ve changed as a society is open to interpretation.
A factory in an industrial estate is a strange setting for the state’s population centre – a sort of “centre of gravity” around which the state’s population is distributed.
Melbourne’s population centre has moved, too, but it’s only shifted 1?? kilo…
Read the full article at: http://www.bordermail.com.au/story/4567094/life-is-sweet-in-the-new-population-centre-of-victoria/?cs=7