Model Sarah McGovern has been caught in the latest Revenue swoop. Ms McGovern has paid 37,355 to the taxman for the underdeclaration of income tax, including a 7,000 penalty.
Others named as tax defaulters include disgraced former judge Heather Perrin. The solicitor from Malahide in Co Dublin was declared bankrupt last November, owing more than 500,000 to the Revenue Commissioners and 572,000 to Ulster Bank.
The former district court judge was convicted in 2012 of deception and sentenced to two-and-a-half-years in prison. She had been found guilty of trying to deceive an elderly client out of half his 1m estate.
The latest defaulter’s list shows a 233,000 …
Read the full article at: http://www.independent.ie/business/irish/model-and-disgraced-exjudge-on-11m-revenue-default-list-35511791.html