The holiday shopping push is on with shoppers this year hunting for deals early and keeping inflation top of mind.
Inflation is crazy, said Christopher Filius, a shopper.
Another shopper told NBC6 she was only shopping for the things they needed and planned to pay for them with cash.
Sticking to cash and a budget may be the best strategy to follow in a year where budgets have been stretched and the number of people asking for help with debt appears to be on the rise.
Usually this time of year we see a slowdown in November and December as people do their holiday shopping and just try to make it to the end of the year, Thomas Nitzsche, a spokesperson for the non-profit credit counseling agency Money Management International, said. The wei…
Read the full article at: https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/more-people-seeking-help-in-managing-credit-card-national-credit-counseling-agency-says/3179764/