More than 1,000 people had to be helped with debt in 2022, the majority them with mortgage arrears, according to the Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI).
It also confirmed 105 people were adjudicated bankrupt during the year.
Of the 1,151 Protective Certificates that were issued, 90% were for Personal Insolvency Arrangements (PIA), the solution that deals with mortgage debt.
Some 95% of borrowers who availed of a PIA had terms that saw them remain in their family home while 44.3% of borrowers had a reduction in their mortgage debt through an average write-down of 158,174.
Some 1,226 people in debt availed of free access to financial and legal advice by way of Abhaile vouchers.
Since the beginning of the Abhaile scheme in 2016, 13,639 vou…
Read the full article at: https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41166412.html