Budget deficit may rise in FY18 the credit rating agency said.
New Delhi: Lower taxes and higher public expenditure could widen budget deficit in 2017-18, but steps taken by the government to broaden the tax base and improve spending efficiency would help in narrowing it going forward, US-based rating agency Moody’s said.
In an interview to PTI, Moody’s Investors Service V-P (Sovereign Risk Group) William Foster said the agency believes that the government’s commitment to fiscal consolidation remains and sustained growth would help it reduce debt burden. Moody’s had last week raised India’s sovereign rating for the first time in over 13 years, saying growth prospects have improved with continued progress on economic and institutional …
Read the full article at: https://www.ndtv.com/business/national-debt-may-increase-in-fy-2018-says-moodys-but-will-improve-after-1777399