David Koch tells us the best way to invest $1000 right now.
Lending money to businesses can help investors diversify their assets and their risks.
MAKING money from other peoples debt is getting easier as a new wave of defensive investment options opens up to pre-retirees and others looking to diversify their wealth.
In a debt market traditionally dominated by government bond funds and big banks hybrid shares both which have risky elements that many people dont realise corporate bonds are becoming a serious option for investors.
They are essentially loans to businesses and pay a higher rate than term deposits. While there always is the risk of a company failing to pay its debts, good products spread investors money over many loans.
Read the full article at: http://www.news.com.au/finance/money/new-corporate-debt-options-help-investors-diversify-and-grow-income/news-story/d9a9e4f1eb51ab9e8aa05a8988eaa6f9