A subsidiary of OSS Group is in voluntary liquidation after the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) awarded $76,700 to its former sales and marketing manager.
HR Processing 2008, formerly called OSS Limited, was put into liquidation earlier this month after the ERA awarded the sum to Brett Arthur, who was employed by OSS Limited for five months before a restructuring disestablished his position.
OSS Group, a longstanding IBM partner, is still trading.
The ERA decision, which drew media coveragelate last year, found OSS Limited failed to follow proper processes by not offering Arthur a position in the company when it became vacant during his notice period.
HR Processing 2008 has now been placed in liquidation by a…
Read the full article at: https://www.reseller.co.nz/article/690544/oss-group-subsidiary-voluntary-liquidation-after-ex-staffer-wins-compensation/