Photo by WJFW Newswatch 12
Story By Morgan Johnson
Local News Published 09/07/2021 2:56PM, Last Updated 09/07/2021 5:56PM
Park Falls – The Park Falls paper mill has been sold, as of August 31, to Wisconsin Paper Personal Property LLC, and Wisconsin Paper Real Property LLC, which is a subsidiary of Maynard Industries.
The mill, which is over 100 years old, has been sitting at a “warm idle” since April, when the previous owners went into receivership.
Park Falls Mayor Michael Bablick says that, since April, the mill’s basic operations are still ongoing to keep machines in a ready state.
“The basic maintenance of the mill is going to be continuing,” said Bablick. “The water treatment plant is still running to a degree. There’s a lot of…
Read the full article at: https://www.wjfw.com/storydetails/20210907145654/park_falls_paper_mill_sold_again_this_time_to_liquidation_company