Perth Foodbank says March this year was its busiest month on record.
The 66 volunteers at Cutlog Vennel, Perth and at a sister centre in Blairgowrie fed 1171 people that month and the number of people provided with food in the financial year 22/23 was up by 2028 referrals a rise of 30 per cent to 8823 from the previous year, when there were 6795 people considered to be in need of food parcels.
Recently there has been a successful cross-over with Perth Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB).
CAB offers free, confidential and independent advice on a range of issues, including benefits, housing, debt, energy and more. Funding from Trussell Trust has provided the Foodbank with a dedicated financial inclusion advisor to work with Foodbank clients ove…
Read the full article at: https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/local-news/perth-food-bank-heroes-step-30333462