Andrii Yalanskyi
Published on the Value Lab 11/24/22
We have very robust capital markets coverage on SA, where we cover almost every advisory house on US markets. For those that have restructuring franchises, the issue of low converting into actual deals from dialogue about strategy and macro has been an issue in bringing out the latent countercyclical demand from these segments. PJT Partners (NYSE:PJT) probably has the most aggressive slant towards restructuring revenues, being very specialised in these sorts of deals. They are beginning to see growth in those markets, and we think it’s coming from greater macro certainty and hopefully a cure to dead LevFin markets. Macro is bad, make no mistake, but it just needs to be certain f…
Read the full article at: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4560397-pjt-partners-benefits-from-restructuring-amid-clearer-macro-picture