In limbo: Frankston Dolphins players await the outcome of the clubs administration.
POKIES bankrupted the Frankston Football Club.
The Dolphins went into voluntary administration late last month as the club struggled under large debts and the administrators called in by the club have now confirmed most of the clubs debts are related to pokies machines licences.
Worrells Solvency and Forensic Accountants, administrators called in by the club, revealed at a creditors meeting last Wednesday (7 September) that the footy club owes the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation about $475,000 and $230,000 to Tabcorp.
Both debts are related to 27 electronic gaming machines the Dolphins decided to remove from its new $3.4…
Read the full article at: http://baysidenews.com.au/2016/09/12/pokies-debts-plunged-dolphins-crisis/