Mr Narongchai says the next task is empowering staff to continue the work hes started at THAI. Photo by Pornprom Satrabhaya
One of the key figures in Thai Airways International’s business restructuring plan, chief financial officer Narongchai Wongthanavimok, has a clear vision of both where the company has been and what’s on the horizon after taking on what he’s called “the most challenging task” of his life.

Brought in by the carrier’s former president, Charamporn Jotikasthira, Mr Narongchai has, from the start, recognised foreign exchange management as the most complicated issue facing the airline business. He has led his team through a tough 18 months to clear up the airline’s financial mess.
Read the full article at: http://www.bangkokpost.com/business/tourism-and-transport/1198205/pulling-thai-out-of-a-tailspin