Corporate insolvencies fell 3.25% in December 2022 to a total of 1,964 compared to Novembers total of 2,029. They were 31.9% higher than in December 2021 (1,489) and 75.5% higher than December 2019 (1,119).
Personal insolvencies decreased by 20.4% to 8,339 in December 2022 compared to 10,473 in November. They were 1.3% lower than December 2021s figure of 8,453, and 0.8% lower than December 2019 (8,406).
Eleanor Temple, chair of the insolvency and restructuring trade body R3 in Yorkshire and a barrister at Kings Chambers in Leeds, comments on the publication of the December 2022 corporate and individual insolvency statistics for England and Wales:…
Read the full article at: https://www.businessupnorth.co.uk/r3-responds-to-december-2022-insolvency-figures/