ABOUT400 employees, including those in Dubbo, are facing an uncertain Christmas after the national freight company Redstar Transport Pty Ltdwas placed in liquidation.
Redstar Transport has offices in Dubbo, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth.
A callto the Redstar office in Dubbo for a comment wasntanswered, but it is believed that the Dubbo office employs about 20 people.
Since the company is in liquidation, employees can get their entitlements paid through the Federal Governments Fair Entitlements Guarantee (FEG) Scheme.
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PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC), an international tax and audit firm, has been appointed as liquidator for Redstar.
Stephen Longley, who will be supervising the liquidation process, said PwC was doing eve…
Read the full article at: https://www.wellingtontimes.com.au/story/5824877/redstar-employees-in-dubbo-face-uncertain-christmas-as-company-liquidated/?cs=12